All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME
A cross-party voice for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
The APPG on ME seeks to improve health, social care, education and employment opportunities for people with ME and encourage biomedical research into the cause and treatment of ME.
Contact your MP

The APPG is the ME community’s voice in Parliament.
Make that voice louder.
Contact your MP today.
It takes a few minutes and can make the world of difference.

Who we are
Get to know our members and more about who supports our work.

Our work
Read about our past meetings and events, and find out about upcoming meetings

Our reports
Find out more about the state of ME in the UK, and what needs to change.

Learn more about our APPG, including how to ask your MP to get involved, whether meetings are open to the public and what an APPG does.