Contact your MP

The APPG is the ME community’s voice in Parliament.
Make that voice louder.
Write to your MP today.

We reached out to all Members of Parliament to encourage them to join the APPG, but nothing is as powerful as a personal request from one of their constituents.

It only takes two minutes and can make the world of difference.

How to write to your MP

1. Find your MP

Use the official Parliament website to find your MP and their email address:

  • Put your postcode into the ‘Find your MP‘ tool
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to click on your MP’s email address
2. Draft the email

We have drafted a letter setting out the key information your MP needs to know, and who they need to contact, but the impact of the letter will be in how you describe how ME has affected you and your loved ones. We have left that section blank for you to fill in.

Constituent request: APPG on ME

Dear [name of your local MP],

I am writing to you as your constituent to urge you to join the APPG on ME and help fight for those suffering from ME. The next meeting of which will be held on Wednesday 5th March; please contact the office of APPG Chair Jo Platt for the invitation.

My own experience of this illness is [add personal experience].

ME is a chronic post-viral illness that causes symptoms affecting many body systems, more commonly the nervous and immune systems. It is estimated that there are at least 1.3 million people in the UK living with ME or ME-like symptoms. Unfortunately, the healthcare provided to these patients is shockingly poor, and many remain without the support they desperately need.

I hope that you are able to attend the meeting on my behalf.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]
[Your address]

It is very important you include your address, so your MP knows you live in their constituency.

3. Send the email

Just fill in the content marked [in italics in square brackets] in the email above, paste into your email browser and send to your MP.

If you don’t get a response in two weeks, email again to check your MP has received your email.