Annual General Meeting 2022

Date: 29th March 2022

This was the third Annual General Meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME.

Areas covered during this meeting included the acheivements of the APPG, election of officers for the coming year, a programme of work for the coming year and changes to the secretariat.

In looking back on acheivements of the APPG, the following key areas were highlighted:

  • The APPG gathered evidence for the 1st APPG report on the issues facing people with ME in 5 key areas (research, healthcare, welfare benefits, children/young people, covid-19).
  • The APPG met with representatives from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence to welcome their new guideline on ME/CFS and discuss the implementation of the recommendations.
  • The APPG Chair met with officials from the Department for Health and Social Care to discuss the findings of the APPG and feed into their work on improving services for people with ME.
  • Working with Forward ME to highlight the necessity of the new NICE guideline.

Carol Monaghan MP was subsequently elected as Chair of the APPG for the third year, with co-chairs and other officers also elected.

The launch of a new report by the APPG was announced. The launch will take place on 25 May, between 3:00pm and 4:30pm, with invites to be sent to parliamentarians and other key guests.

Finally, Dr Charles Shepherd was thanked for his work advising the APPG as secretariat. It was then announced that ME Association more broadly, and Action for M.E. would be joining the secretariat to increase capacity to support to the APPG.

Read the full minutes: